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Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 3:46 AM


There have been countless conversations around the kitchen table on the subject. There have been heated debates over it. No, it’s not something so simple as “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

There have been countless conversations around the kitchen table on the subject. There have been heated debates over it. No, it’s not something so simple as “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Something far more important to the facts of life. It is the complicated subject of “What came first the chicken or the egg?" I grew up with dad raising chickens that laid the eggs. We used both the chicken and the eggs. I kept up the tradition of chicken raising and egg gathering up to this day.

Yes, there were times we didn’t have chickens because, well, homeowners associations are sometimes particular about what is in your yard. But, after we left the city to get back to the country chickens were on my mind.

There was nothing fancy about our chickens. They weren’t the exotic ones or the ones that laid blue or green eggs. They were simple chickens.

But what does that have to do with which came first? Well, it is simple at best. Making it complicated at worst. Let’s break it up, pun intended, and see how it can fit into a neat package.

The egg is comprised of three components: The shell, the yolk and the albumin. The egg is not an egg if there is only a shell. It is not an egg if there is only the yolk or the albumin by itself. You can only have an egg and call it an egg if it is all three together. It is now an egg.

It is also a simple way to explain the Triune God. It is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Each one by itself is important. Just like when you crack open the egg and put the other parts into a skillet and get an over easy. That is good.

We know God is very important. We know Jesus Christ is very important. There are those who give the Holy Spirit the short end of the stick.

During Pentecost, we celebrate the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter. God gave us the Grace of the Holy Spirit. The celebration of the Holy Spirit is the first fruits of our redemption (Romans 8:23) and the assurance God gives use of heaven and our future salvation. The Holy Spirit conforms our hearts to the perfect law of God.

There is so much more to cover on the Holy Spirit and how it impacts the faithful. I just wanted everyone to start thinking. There are so many scriptures that point to the Triune God which includes the all-important Holy Spirit.

Now, which came first? Well, the Bible clearly provides the ultimate truths. The chicken came first!

Genesis 1:21 - “So God created the great sea creatures that moves, with which the waters swam, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

As simple as an egg.
