FLATONIA - Father Gabriel and the parishioners of St. Mary's Church, Praha invite the public to their annual Parish Picnic on Tuesday, Aug. 15 in Praha. The celebration begins with a Mass at 10 a.m. Beginning at 11 a.m., a meal will be served featuring Famous Praha Stew and Fried Chicken. Drive thru plates-to-go will be available for business and indi - viduals - just follow the signs when you reach Praha. Bands providing music throughout the day include Pra - ha Bros., Red Ravens, and Mark Halata and Texavia. Come meet your friends and family and dance the night away. Fun for the day will include a country store, cake walk, plant walk, fish pond, ring toss and many other games. A raffle draw -
ing will be held, with $17,455 worth of gift certificates and var -
ious other prizes given away.
Plenty of soda-pop, sno-cones, popcorn and hamburgers will be on hand all afternoon. Ice cream will also be available.
Please mark your calendar and come join us for a good time on Aug. 15.