The Jabez Foundation, a local charitable foundation, blessed Three Crosses Ministries with a $2,500 donation for its work with the seniors in Colorado County. The Columbus and Weimar Se -
niors Together group is a Three Crosses Ministries program ini - tiative. Plans are underway to start a Seniors Together group in Eagle Lake. Founded in 2014, Three Cross - es Ministries is a non-profit, 501(c)3 and serves where God directs it. Last year, Three Cross - es Ministries realized a need for seniors. Colorado County did not have a program tailored to the senior’s needs in the way of entertainment and socialization. Three Crosses Ministries and a handful of volunteers started a seniors group in Columbus and Weimar. The group, aged 55 and over, gets together on Wednesdays, plays games, eats lunch, and plays Bingo. All this is free to the seniors because generous do nations and sponsorships pay for most expenses. The Columbus group meets on the first and third Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at St. Paul Lutheran Lighthouse Center at 201 Veterans Dr. in Columbus and the Weimar group meets on the second and fourth Wednes - days from 9:30 a.m. to 1 the Weimar Civic Center at 1754 CR 10 in Weimar.
Any senior, regardless of so- cial, economic, or race, is wel -
comed and encouraged to come and have a great time. The aver - age attendance runs between 50 and 70 active seniors.
The monies will be used to further these initiatives and set in motion other programs geared to empower seniors in Colorado County. Statistics bear out that seniors who do not socialize or engage in
activities have higher mental and physical health issues.