NADA — The Colorado County Go Texan Scholarship Fundraiser shut the gate on another great event on Sept. 7 at St. Mary’s Nada Community Hall in Nada.
It didn't take long for the hall to fill up with people of like mind - and that mind was to support the efforts of the scholarship program that saw $85,000 awarded to 27 Colorado County high school graduating seniors and $339,000 awarded since 2011.
After a brief opening, Colorado County Go Texan Chairman Amber McCarthy, recognized the Houston Live Stock and Rodeo Go Texan group and named a new scholarship fund in memory of Henry Potter.
Guest speaker was Lauren Labay- Thielemann.
Thielemann, a 2016 Colorado County graduate and a recipient of one of the Colorado County Go Texan Scholarships, thanked the group and its initial support as she is in her final year at Tex as A&M as a veterinarian.
Judge Stan Warfield led the prayer fol lowed by a meal and auction.