That “machine” changed my vote.
•That “machine” is nothing but a printer.
•If you are not getting the results printed you expected, you can spoil your ballot and request assistance from a poll worker.
•It is a paper ballot, and you can verify your selections several times before you print it.
•You should verify the selections after you print the ballot and BEFORE you put it in the ballot box.
•Why does Colorado County use the Express Vote Printer aka “that machine”?
•Early Voting is county wide voting.
•Colorado County has three early voting locations most elections. Having multiple sights requires the use of the Express Vote Printers.
•We have no way of knowing how many precincts traditional ballots need to be at each early voting location. Blank print on demand ballots allows voters to never be disenfranchised by not having a ballot.
•TEC 123.005 and TEC 123.006 do not allow us to use multiple forms of voting during early voting.
•They are ADA-accessible.
•Colorado County is still a precinct. Election Day in Colorado County is still precinct-spe- cific for voting locations, and traditional ballots are used as the principal ballot.
•Helpful Hints when voting on an Express Vote.
•They are not sensitive like your phone or iPad; they take pressure.
You can use your figure or a stylus, whichever is most comfortable for you.
•Don’t try to select the “little” box next to the name. Push the large box with the name on it.
•Step by Step directions are provided on the screen.
•If you need the ballot read to you, ask a poll worker for headphones.
•If you need the text enlarged ask a poll worker for assistance.
•If you need the language changed to Spanish, ask a poll worker for assistance.
•If you need the screen changed to a contrast color for easier reading, ask a poll worker.
•Colorado County only uses paper ballots.
•The State of Texas only allows the use of paper ballots.
•Both types of ballots Colorado County uses are paper ballots.
•The difference between the “traditional” ballot and the “machine” ballot.
•Traditional ballots are pre-printed.
•The electronic ballot is print on demand.
•How are the “traditional” ballot and the “machine” ballot the same.
•They both are a paper trail.
•They both can be reviewed by the voter.
•They both are tabulated by the same equipment in the same way.
Benefits of a traditional bal lot.
•No need for electricity.
•Can see the entire ballot at one time.
Benefits of an electronic bal lot.
•Easier to see and can enlarge print.
•Ballot can be read to you.
•Ballot stock is blank so having the correct number of ballots on hand is no issue.
•Take less room to store for the required 2 years.
•No question of voter’s intention of how they wanted to vote.
•Can reuse ballot stock from election to election.
•Lower cost to the taxpayer.
•In other words, there is no “electronic” voting in Texas.