COLUMBUS Carrie Fuller recent - ly received a $2,000 scholarship to help further her education. Upon graduating from Columbus High School, she en -
rolled at Sam Houston State University. She is pursuing a major in Theater Edu - cation and a minor in English. When she completes her higher education journey, Fuller plans to become a teacher in the Theater Arts arena.
Fuller shared her thoughts and ex - pressed her gratitude for receiving this scholarship by stating, "Theater has been a great passion in my life and in - spired me to prepare myself for a career in Theater Education. I credit the great teachers I had to give me such a strong foundation. Columbus High School's theater community was strong and fur - ther motivated me to take this career path." The Columbus Educational Foun - dation provides scholarships to further the education of CISD students in both university/college and technical/trade schools. This has been a record year for facilitating scholarships that totaled $30,000. This funding was made pos -
sible due to the outpouring of generosity from individuals and corporations. The CEF board expressed its great gratitude to all of their donors for supporting the education of the students in the CISD system.
Besides scholarships, CEF works to provide classroom grants for special projects to enhance the learning expe - rience in the classroom. Teachers from all campuses, elementary through high school, submit grant applications for a creative project. In 2024, some grants bought additional equipment to expand learning skills. For information about the mission of the CEF or to become a donor, visit www.ColumbusEducationFoundation. org or call 979-733-2122.