COLORADO COUNTY – Charles Rogers, Colorado County Office of Emergency Management, clarifies a recent order on the burn ban for the county of Colorado. Rogers says, “To All Colorado County Agricultural Operations: Please allow this communication to correct any confusion or misinformation concerning requirements prior to initiating Ag or “Crop” burning activities while a Burn Ban Order is in effect.
TCEQ specifies the details and requirements for all outdoor burning that is allowed as an “Exception” during a Burn Ban.
While Ag burns are not prohibited during a Burn Ban, there are requirements, such as notifying local law enforcement (911) and county officials (Colorado Emergency Management Coordinator, Chuck Rogers).
Such notification serves to provide the usual contact information and location of the proposed burn and also to review the required protective measures required.
Additionally, having the information will help prevent unwarranted dispatching of fire departments and other resources which might be unnecessarily deployed if someone reports plumes of smoke to 911 believing that there is an emergency.
This will also allow us to pre-plan our potential response if a “controlled burn” becomes uncontrolled.”
While the Burn Ban for Colorado County is in effect, we are asking that before any Ag or “crop” burning operations take place that you notify the following agencies.
Call the Colorado County Communications Center at 979-732-2388 Ext. 2 and then the Colorado County Office of Emergency Management at 979-484-6047.