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Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 11:45 AM

2024 Tri-county Year In Review

Numerous events have shaped the tri-county area in 2024, whether positively or negatively. News happens, and local newspapers embody the spirit of the communities they serve. Austin, Colorado, and Fayette Counties are experiencing growth, with events that affect people’s lives in various ways.


- Rural firefighters fight against un - seen enemy: Firefighters battle more than fires. With this in-depth look at the emotional toll firefighters can have with what they see and hear during call-outs,

the Columbus VFD has taken strides to mitigate PTSD suffering by the firefight ers.

- CHS Cheerleaders compete at UIL Spirit State Championships: Cheerleading has come a long way. The cheer team combines acrobatic routines and cheers for its local teams. Columbus has perfected its routines, and many sports fans enjoy their performances when they cheer on the team.

- Hultquist guilty of retaliation charges against DA office: Chad Hultquist was charged with threatening to kill First Assistant District Attorney Brandy Robinson and Assistant DA Benjamin Nystrom. The Austin County jury deliberated for one hour and 35 minutes before sentencing Hultquist to 20 years in TDC.

- Big 99 Cents and Gift Store robbed: The Big 99 Cents and Gift Shop in Sealy was robbed by several unidentified rob bers

February : - CCC Appraisal District running full speed ahead: After a tumultuous couple of years of mismanagement, Colorado County Interim Chief Appraiser Jane Armontrout rights the ship after getting things in order.

- Elections building named in honor of Francis John Truchard: The Colorado County Commissioner’s Court approved the naming of a county building after Truchard, who died in 2023 and served as Justice of the Peace in Colorado County for 60 years.

- Daughters and Dates Sweetheart Dance bedazzled: Hearts melted as the sight of young ladies and their escorts danced the night away at the Sweetheart Dance in La Grange - Small brewery wins big at 2024 Texas Craft Brewers Cup: Hound Song Brewing Company, located in Columbus, was awarded gold and silver medals.

- Sheriff Korenek given patriot award: The Department of Defense presented Fayette County Sheriff Keith Korenek with the Patriot Award for his support of the Texas Guard and Reserves.

- Tony Tsounakas recognized for service dedication: Senator Lois Kolk horst and the Sealy Area Chamber of Commerce recognized Tony Tsounakas, owner of Tony’s Restaurant in Sealy, for his commitment to the Sealy community.

- Casino Knights comeback: After running strong for 20 years, Casino Knights was shuttered by the pandemic but staged a comeback, selling nearly 1,000 tickets.

- Drug enforcement operation nets three: Members of the Austin County Regional Special Response Team and the Texas Department of Public Safety Special Response Team executed arrest warrants in Eagle Lake and took down Frank, Deborah, and Frank, Jr., Cantu.

- The State of…: The Columbus Chamber of Commerce hosted a State of the City and the State of the County with Columbus Mayor Lori An Gobert and Colorado County Judge Ty Prause.


- Lindemann wins the gold star in bid for sheriff: Justin Lindemann gets to pin the gold star on as the new sheriff of Colorado County. Lindemann took 60 percent of the votes against Wendy Al ley in a very unusual campaign: friendly and respectful.

- Child predator arrested: The Austin County Sheriff's Office arrested Glenn Allen Meyer, 57, of Wallis, for indecency with a child with sexual contact after a months-long investigation.

- Hail, no!: Palm-sized hail struck Bellville and caused significant damage.

- Henkes to retire from CCSO after 22 years: Retiring Colorado Sheriff Office Telecommunications Supervisor Brenda Henke goes 10-42, ending a long career helping people in need.

- Richard Whitten named Weimar city manager: Richard C. Whitten was unan imously voted in as the new city manag- er of Weimar, filling a position that had been vacant for months.

- Life sentence for habitual offender: An Austin County Jury found Darryl Glenn Phillips guilty of Aggravated As- sault with a Deadly Weapon. Phillips, of New Ulm, assaulted a man from Industry by cutting his throat.

- Casanova guilty of murder: Jose Fe- liciano Casanova, of Eagle Lake, was found guilty of murder stemming from a drive-by shooting death of Keaton Han- cock, of Columbus.

- Grissom hits bullseye earning TFAA State Indoor Champion: Keagan Gris- som of Columbus took the champion - ship in archery in Roanoke. Grissom shoots for the JOAD Club in Colorado County.

- Female juvenile kidnap victim found safe: A 12- year-old who went missing from her Missouri City resident was found safe and unharmed in Columbus. Sirterryon Preston was charged in connection to the abduction when his deliv- ery truck made a stop in Columbus and an alert Columbus police officer took



Solar eclipse-not so much: Dark and rainy skies prevented some from fully appreciating if not even seeing, an anticipated full solar eclipse. The next solar eclipse will see elementary students graduate.

- City of Columbus receives over $16 million in grants: The Texas General Land Office pre sented the city of Columbus with a check to be used on needed in- frastructure repairs in the city.

- Fire rampages through down town Warrenton: Downtown Warrenton suffered major fire damage when the fire ripped through two structures and the Warrenton Fire Station.

- Casanova gets life: Jose Feliciano Casanova of Eagle Lake receives life in prison for the murder of Columbus resident Keaton Hancock. After 30 years, Casanova will be eligible for pa role.

- High School coach arrested for trafficking narcotics: Mem bers of the Westside Narcotics Task Force arrested Steven Mar -

shall at a residence in El Campo for selling drugs. Marshall al legedly was selling narcotics in the Colorado County area.


- Burton returns home with gold: Kobe Burton, of Flatonia, was a gold medal winner in the Class 2A Boys Shot Put at the 2024 UIL State Track and Field Championship in Austin.

- Columbus man drowns: Dan-

iel Joseph Baca of Columbus drowned while fishing in the Col orado River.

- Local officers recognized for their actions: Hempstead Police Sergeant Kelvin Whorton and Bellville Police Sergeant Corey Hood were recognized for their efforts in apprehending a violent cartel member who had viciously murdered his wife in Houston and attempted to kidnap a Bell -

ville citizen.


- Fayette Electric Cooperative announces appointment of new general manager: Doug Lambert was named the new general manager of FEC.

- Town hall meeting goes downhill fast: The City of Eagle Lake hosted a meeting to discuss the federally mandated replacement of lead and galva -

nized pipes. Who would pay the costs of replacing the pipes when the residence is liable and money is the issue. The city said they would work with individuals to help complete their tasks.

- Wanda Johnson Beaudry

Stanzel Memorial Scholarship names first recipients: Seven stu dents from Schulenburg received $3,000 scholarships.

- Former appraisal district em -

ployee indicted on fraud charges: Jessy De La Rosa, a former Col-

orado County Appraisal District employee, was indicted on cred it card fraud charges stemming from her work in the appraisal district. An indictment is not a guilty verdict.

- Child sex offender fugitive tracked to New Ulm: Clarence Cloud, of New Ulm, was arrest- ed by the U.S. Marshals Service Gulf Coast Violent Offenders Fugitive Task Force on an active felony warrant out of Harris County.

- Murder suspect in fire death arrested: Paulino Valle, Jr., of Glidden, was arrested in connection with the arson death of Ernesto Romero-Vital, of Eagle Lake, when Valle set the Glidden house fire that killed Vital.


- La Grange to host Czech president: Czech Republic Pres ident Petr Pavel and First Lady Eva Palova arrived in La Grange and toured the Texas Czech Her itage and Cultural Center. President Pavel arrived on his favorite mode of transportation, a Harley Davidson.

- Poenitzsch Regional Superin tendent of the Year: Nicole Poe- nitzsch was named the regional nominee in the annual Superin tendent of the Year Awards com- petition. Poenitzsch is with Bell ville ISD.

- Henry Potter: Legends are made of these: Henry Potter of Columbus passed away on July 4 but left a legacy that affected thousands. He and his wife Pa- mela owned and operated Potters Western Store in Columbus.


- Colorado County civil pollu tion suit against Inland Recycling continues: Inland Recycling’s guilty plea for contaminating Skull Creek in Colorado County does not stop civil suits.

- Columbus Community Hos- pital annual fundraiser deemed a success: The annual Columbus Community Hospital Fundrais - er staged at the Stafford Opera House in Columbus was filled with people ready to socialize, eat great food and contribute to the hospital's ongoing operations.

- Resolution in opposition to wind farm development passes unanimously: Fayette County Commissioner’s Court voted unanimously in opposition to wind turbines being placed in

Fayette County. Although the

court can not legally prohibit the placement of wind turbines, spe - cific impact reports and no tax abatements can help keep wind turbine companies out of the area.

- Wind facilities resolution passes unanimously at commis sioner’s court: The Colorado County Commissioner’s Court followed in the footsteps of Fay - ette County in resolving to keep wind farms from infringing on the peace and well-being of land owners who may be adjacent to unsightly and noise-generating machines.


- Hot bus has tempers heat - ing up: The Sealy Independent School District has gotten into hot water over allegedly mis- treating students on a particular bus route by making them put up their windows in 103-degree heat and slowing the route down to further punish students on board the bus. After a full investigation, the bus driver and Sealy ISD were found not to be at fault.

Numerous cameras and physical investigations confirmed the bus

driver did not harm students.


Bellville ISD leader Nicole

Poenitzsch named TASB 2024 Superintendent of the Year: An

11-member committee named

Poenitzsch the prestigious title.

- Gutierrez sentenced to 30

years for Columbus murder: Ruben Gutierrez was arrested for the murder of Edwin James King, of Houston. The shooting happened in Columbus.

- Columbus resident arrested in possible connection to murder: Nijay Johnson was arrested for the shooting death of Keandre M.

Hurd of Columbus.

- Bellville officer injured in high-speed chase: Bellville Po - lice Officer Victoria Bell was rear-ended during a high-speed chase of Jasmine Cavazos of Conroe that started in Sealy.

- Local CHS senior passes away after sudden illness: Aleks

Medrano, a Columbus High School student, passed away

from a sudden illness brought on by a mosquito bite. Medrano was a senior who played offensive and defensive football positions for the Columbus Cardinals.

- Deputy arrested for improp - er relationship with an inmate: Colorado County Deputy Tomas Ramirez of Columbus was ar - rested for an inappropriate rela -

tionship with a Colorado County jail inmate. The former deputy

was a 10-year Colorado County Sheriff's Office veteran.

- Grand jury indicts McKim for murder: Kayla McKim was indicted by the Lavaca County grand jury stemming from the murder of Jason Pilat of Shiner.

McKim is the daughter of for -

mer Flatonia postmaster Michael McKim and she was with her fa ther when the shooting occurred. Indictments do not constitute guilt.

Weimar citizens receive Cit - izens Commendations Awards: Michael Krhovjak and Jesus Martinez helped an officer sub due a violent man with an outstanding Colorado County warrant.

- Big 99 Cents and Gift Store robbery suspect served warrant: Kevin Frear, a resident of Navasota, was arrested in connection with the robbery of the Big 99 Cents and Gift Store in Sealy. Frear did not act alone and more arrests are expected.


Breymann Building receives historical marker: The Breymann Building, built in 1883 of brick and stone, saved downtown Schulenburg from a fire that rav aged businesses years ago.

- Florida woman arrested on multiple charges: Michelle Rene Bryan, of Florida, was arrested for attempted fraudulent check cashing at the First National Bank of Bellville.

Eagle Lake State of the City shows positive trend: Eagle Lake Mayor Tim Kelley addressed the crowd at the Eagle Lake Civic Center’s State of the City address.

- Rice Medical Center reopens 200 Wing with dedication to Wintermann Foundation: Rice Medical Chief Executive Officer Kurt Sunderman reopens the 200 Wing at the Rice Medical Center thanks to the generous donation by the Wintermann Foundation of Eagle Lake.

- Child used as human shield in high-speed car chase: Der rick Wheaton was arrested and charged with numerous counts including Endangerment of a Child in Imminent Danger and drug possession. The suspect used the child as a potential hu man shield after exiting the vehicle. He had four active felony warrants from Bexar County.

- Future of St. Mark's Hospital revisited: After ceasing all oper -

ations on Oct. 12, 2023, due to fi - nancial difficulties, talks are tak -

ing place with a group expressing interest in operating a hospital

within the facility.

- Eagle Lake Police get first motorcycle unit: Eagle Lake Po- lice Officer will operate his per sonal motorcycle under contract with the Eagle Lake Police De- partment. This motorcycle unit will help with heavy traffic com ing through Eagle Lake.

- Armed standoff ends peace fully thanks to cool-headed deputies: Fayette County Depu - ty Duane Meagher and Deputy Chase Cedar talked down an

armed man, Maximus Forbing, who was holding a potential hos tage.

- Grand marshal for Sealy Fantasy of Lights Parade: Sealy Police Chief Jay Reeves will lead the Sealy Fantasy of Lights Parade. Reeves will retire after 32 years of law enforcement service.


- High-speed chase ends in handcuffed suspect: High-speed chase suspect Anfioni Yorro De Los Santos of San Antonio was taken into custody after fleeing from DPS out of Fayette Coun- ty. The chase ended on FM 2434 in Colorado County after Santos failed to make a curve and ran into a ditch and fence.

- Eagle Lake Chamber of Commerce honors Mary Ann Kaluza as Parade Marshal for 2024: The late Mary Ann Kalu - za of Eagle Lake was selected as the Christmas Parade parade marshal in Eagle Lake. Kaluza's grandsons will ride in the parade marshal position in honor of the memories of Kaluza.

- Pam and Henry Potter honored with 2024 Laura Ann Rau Historic Preservation Award: Pam and the late Henry Potter were honored with this award because of their deep passion for the community and businesses in the area.

- Sheriff R.H. “Curly” Wied honored with resolution: The Colorado County Commission- er's Court passed a resolution honoring retiring Colorado County Sheriff Curly Wied.

- Violent home invasion gang brought down by diligent police work: Flatonia Police Investigator Geneva Titus worked tirelessly to tie a violent gang into several home invasions spanning several counties along the Interstate-10 and Interstate-35 corridors.

- Massive house fire claims life: A house fire in Columbus

claimed the life of long-time res- ident Penny Miekow. Miekow was the lady who cared for many of the stray cats in Columbus.

The cause of the fire, believed to be electrical, is being investi-

gated by the State Fire Marshal's Office.

- Ruvalcaba sentenced to 25 years: Cairo Ruvalcaba Jr., was sentenced to the Institutional De- partment of Criminal Justice for the shooting spree deaths over several days at several locations in Columbus and Eagle Lake.

Sam Kana takes a final bow at First National Bank of Eagle Lake. After 20 years at the helm, Kana retired, and Leslie Sedlock will take his place.

- Cards make history with State Championship title: The Columbus Cardinals captured their first state football champi - onship on Dec. 19 after dominat -

ing the Malakof Tigers.
