EAGLE LAKE — Colorado County Crime Stoppers representatives stopped by the Eagle Lake Noon Lions Club on Jan. 30 at the Eagle Lake Civic Center.
Special speakers were Colorado County Sheriff's Office Deputy Nancy Gorman, and Colorado County Crime Stoppers President Heidi May, They informed the Lions Club that the Colorado County Crime Stoppers is a community- based program formed in the 1980s by concerned citizens and law enforcement to provide residents a vehicle to anonymously relay tips and information that might help solve crimes and lead to the arrest and conviction of criminals. They added we all strive to keep our communities safe. You don’t need to leave your name if you have a tip about a crime. Please don’t hesitate to anonymously report it by phone at 866-522-8477 or text TIP4CASH to CRIMES (274637).

Attending the EL Noon Lions Club meeting on Jan. 30 were, from left, Eagle Lake Noon Lions Club President Pat Pavlu, Colorado County Crime Stoppers President Heidi May, Colorado County Sheriff’s Deputy Nancy Gorman and Second Vice District Governor Steve Mc-Cullough. Courtesy photo