Trey Billeck exhibited the grand champion market steer last Saturday at the Weimar FFA Show and Sale at the Weimar FFA/MacGlover Project Facility Show barn in Weimar. The steer was purchased for $9,000 by Brushy Creek Metal Buildings. Banner Press photos by Ramona FergusonLogan Kainer exhibited the grand champion market goat that was purchased for $4,000 by HATS Buyers Group.Kance Fitzgerald exhibited the grand champion fryer rabbit that was purchased for $5,000 by J.K. Dobbins.Ty Rerich exhibited the grand champion broiler that were purchased for $3,000 by Fayette Savings Bank, Tri County Realty and Pesak Bros. Construction.Ty Jackson exhibited the grand champion market lamb that was purchased for $3,000 by Wick’s Western Wear.Hunter Shupak exhibited the grand champion market swine that was purchased for $4,000 by The A-Team.