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Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 4:33 AM

I believe, but…

How many times have I said, thought, or heard others say, “I believe, but I just don’t understand!” How many times have you said that yourself? Probably too many times that we care to confess. As I have said or thought it, I wonder how God must feel when we say that we don’t understand. When I wrote this piece, it was quiet. I am glad it was quiet because I would have missed the Holy Spirit saying, “You are not supposed to.”


How many times have I said, thought, or heard others say, “I believe, but I just don’t understand!” How many times have you said that yourself? Probably too many times that we care to confess. As I have said or thought it, I wonder how God must feel when we say that we don’t understand. When I wrote this piece, it was quiet. I am glad it was quiet because I would have missed the Holy Spirit saying, “You are not supposed to.”

I guess it all boils down to this: We walk by faith, not sight. This scripture is found in 2 Corinthians 5:7. No longer do we have the privilege of Jesus walking the earth with His disciples and witnessing all the miracles and teachings. We must dive deep and know we can believe in God and the Bible. We don’t have to see it firsthand or understand it. Or do we see it firsthand? The miracles of God are ever-present. Just look around, and we can see His glory.

We must go in faith and know He is God even though we can not put our hand on His or our eyes gaze into His eyes. It is just like the Indiana Jones movie, “The Last Crusade,” when Indiana had to save his dad and step out over a vast, bottomless chasm in a show of faith that God will provide. He, of course, does. Otherwise, we would not have anoth- er sequel after that.

God does not give us a net. He gives us something so much stronger, His love. Time and again, I have been out there without a net, and instead of trusting in God’s love, I turned back. I wonder how many blessings I missed because I did not trust God to walk me across that chasm.

This reminds me of a story about the woman who went to Heaven and was welcomed in with open arms. She was given a grand tour and passed street af- ter street of magnificent homes until they reached hers. She was shown room by room, except one room was skipped. After the tour, the woman was overwhelmed and happy but had to ask about that one skipped room.

At first, she wouldn't be shown that room, but she persisted, and finally, the door was opened.

There was row after row of beau- tiful gifts from floor to ceiling.

She exclaimed, wondering to who did all these gifts belonged. She was told, “Ma’am, these would have been all yours. They were blessings from God that you missed out on because you turned back.”

Let’s be sure we take the time not to turn back, no matter how frightening it may look or how much we don’t understand. Step out onto that bridge of faith and hold on because I can guarantee you that no matter how scary it seems or how not like you it is, you will be in the ride of your life because God is never letting go.
