Fayette Soil & Water Conservation District #341 2025 Conservation Awards Program
LA GRANGE — Each year, the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts sponsor the Texas Conservation Awards Program to recognize and honor those who dedicate themselves and their talents to the conservation and wise use of renewable natural resources.
Conservation Districts are local government units responsible for conservation work within their boundaries.
The district’s role is to increase voluntary conservation among land users.
The district and the Natural Resource Conservation Service work together to reach the district’s goal of conservation applications. The NRCS is vital to the success of all the Fayette SWCD’s conservation objectives. The conservation awards program provides competition and incentives to expand and improve conservation efforts, resource development, and increase the wise utilization of renewable natural resources.
The directors of the Fayette County Soil and Water Conservation District include Chairman Lee Fritsch, Vice Chairman C.R. “Bob” Devine, Secretary /Treasurer Carol Friedrich, Rick Schilling and Howard Frick. District clerk is Carissa Karisch. NRCS employees are Robert Bankston and Dustin Sanders.
The Fayette County Soil and Water Conservation District #341 held its annual Conservation Awards Banquet on Feb. 13 in La Grange.
Winners for this year conservation awards include the following:
Poster Contest Winners
(Division 1 Grade K-2)
Aurora Galvez and Jack Wied, Sacred Heart School. Presenting the awards were Mark Friedrich, Fayette Savings Bank, and Tracy Denton and Jessica Montez, Fayette Electric Cooperative.
Poster Contest Winners (Division 2 Grade 3-6)
Kirtley Kallus, Sacred Heart School; and Tripp Brown, St. Rose of Lima. Presenting the awards were Ty Dallmeyer, Fayetteville Bank and Tim Knesek, Capitol Farm Credit
Essay Contest Winners (13 and Under Division)
Rilan Karisch, homeschool; and Danica Steakley, Round Top - Carmine. Presenting the awards were Chris Kaspar, Round Top State Bank, Gene Kruppa, Colorado Valley Communications, and Roy Wied, Carmine State Bank.
Essay Contest Winners (14-18 Division)
Eleanor Carey and Ella Janacek, La Grange High School.
Conservation Rancher
Anthony and Sharon Haas. Award was presented by Amanda Castaneda, Flatonia National Bank, and Ashley Firkins, Prosperity Bank