The Sealy Knights of Columbus started their famous Lenten Fish Fry on March 14 at the Sealy Columbus Club Hall at 1310 Hwy 90 West in Sealy. The fish fry will continue every Friday during Lent. Drive-thru service is from 5:30 to 7:17 p.m. for only $13 for a heaping plate of fish and sides. Around 70 different volunteers help out over a three-week cycle of teams with about 25 volunteers every Friday night. March 14 saw just short of 500 plates served of fried catfish, coleslaw, French fries, pinto beans and hush puppies. It takes a skilled team to constantly monitor the fry- ing of the fish and sides each week. Photos by John Jones, Banner Press
Jaclyn Konescheck, wife of Sealy KC Grand Knight Dustin Konesheck, and Sealy Knight Paul Myhre (not pictured), seem to pick out only the best fried fish to be included in the takeout during the Sealy KC’s Lenten Fish Fry on March 14 at the Sealy Columbus Club Hall in Sealy. The KC’s have it down to a fine art in line serving at the drive-thru. The team served up close to 500 plates as the line of vehicles snaked down the drive and down Highwa 90A but they kept the line moving swiftly. Also pictured, is KC Joe Marusik, right.