SEALY — The Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association hosts its annual plant sale on Saturday, April 12 from 8:30 a.m. until sold out.
This year’s plant sale will be held at the Levine Park Pavilion at 406 Main St. in Sealy.
A wide variety of plants will be available for purchase, including roses, “Texas Superstar” plants, “Texas Native” plants, “Earth Kind” plants, succulents, butter- fly-friendly plants, ground cov ers, herbs, bushes, fruit and citrus trees, blueberries, blackberries, and a few surprises—something for everyone.
There will also be rain barrels, various planters and other garden items.
All plants are locally sourced to ensure they are climatized for this area.
Many expert master gardeners will be on hand at the plant sale to help find that special plant and give instructions for its care.
Their knowledge and passion for each plant are sure to inspire.
Proceeds from the sale help Bluebonnet Master Gardeners support the four counties, Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington, with graduating high school senior scholarships each year, community gardens, FREE-tothe- public “Lunch & Learns”, and other local activities.
For more information regarding BMGA, visit https://txmg.
org/bluebonnet or find them on Facebook at Bluebonnet Master Gardeners Association.
For questions, please call Stacie Villarreal, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Ag & Natural Resources agent, at 979-8652072.