COLUMBUS — Educator, philanthropist, community leader and minister, each of these titles describe the contributions of the late Rev. Martin N. Williams. The Columbus Education Foun- dation (CEF) Scholarship Fund has become the most recent recipient of the Rev. Martin Williams’ legacy. His immediate and extended family (Williams, Axel and Burford) have generously donated $2,000 to the CEF scholarship fund in his honor Williams worked for Columbus Independent School District (CISD) for over 32 years. He was head of the agricultural department at Riverside School before integration and continued in the agricultural department at Columbus High School until he became a counselor for all campuses of CISD for the last 18 years of his career until his retirement.
Williams was instrumental in assisting over 100 students entering college through Prairie View A&M, Texas Southern University, and additional Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and other colleges. His assistance included providing clothing, transporta- tion, finance, books, scholarships and any other assistance needed to secure their spot on a college campus.
Rev. Williams was aware of the vision of the Columbus Education Foundation and was a staunch supporter and dear friend of Dr. Tom Hancher, founder of the Columbus Education Foundation. The families consider this donation a sincere honor to make in his memory. The donation in Rev. Martin William’s name will be used to fund scholarships to assist students intending to attend HBCUs and trade schools.
His wife, Rev. Willie Mae Williams said, “Martin was the ultimate educator and wanted to make sure that whatever student that graduated from CISD who wanted to go to college, he did his best to make it happen.”
Williams involvement in the community went beyond students in the CISD. He served on the Columbus City Council for 22 years and certainly had a positive impact on the residents of the city of Columbus.
Dr. Tom Hancher and Rev. Martin Williams were long-time friends. “He was a wonderful man and a great friend!” according to Tom Hancher. Hancher went on to say, “Martin Williams was an outstanding member of our community who served his country in Korea, his city on council, the children of CISD, and his church flock as pastor."
There are many people in the community and beyond who knew Rev. Williams and benefit ed from his dedication and talents given to the community. If you are so moved to honor Rev. Williams with a donation to the scholarship fund in his memory, please go to www.ColumbusEducationalFoundation. org. Go to the “Donate Now” tab. Once there you will see a section titled “Make a Donation.” Fill in the amount you desire to donate and scroll down to “Dedicate this donation” and enter Rev. Martin N. Williams.
All donations funds will be used for scholarships for CISD students.
You can also donate via check made out to Columbus Education Foundation, Inc. and mail to P.O. Box 203, Columbus, TX 78934.
Make sure you mark it for the Rev. Martin N Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund.