
The Role of the Modern School Nurse in Ensuring Student Success

“You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy, and you can’t keep a child healthy who isn’t educated.” Former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders spoke these words almost 30 years ago, and they still ring true today. In roles that go far beyond Band-Aids and ice packs, school nurses serve as a hub for community health, providing health education, ensuring immunization compliance, performing health screenings, and coordinating special care for students with medical conditions and disabilities.

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Thanks for the memories

As another year comes to a close, a flood of memories comes back for me to dwell on. The precious little things won’t mean anything to anyone except me. I have lived a full life and have many more to come if the Lord will it. So, I have more memories to gather, store and cherish as the new year approaches. No one is more anxious to see what the new year brings than me. I want to see what God has for me in the way of blessings. Still, it is time to pause, reflect on the past, and thank God for what he has given me.


The Columbus Banner Press

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Columbus, TX 78934