Pondering the Pursuit of Happiness
We all want to be happy. Or most of us do anyway. As Amer - icans, we remember the immortal words penned by Thomas Jeffer - son and preserved in our Decla - ration of Independence that we are endowed by our creator with "certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pur - suit of happiness." In pondering the topic of happiness, or the pur - suit of happiness, the obvious ques - tion arises. What can we do to be happy? How do we pursue happi - ness? Here are a few thoughts
Disclaimer much of the fol - lowing can be credited to the great thinker, Gad Saad. He is a Canadi - an professor, author, podcaster, and all-around good guy, who smiles a lot. I recently ingested a short video that he made for PragerU (great resource prageru.com) and I think this information is worth sharing. What follows are practi - cal ways to maximize your happi - ness in life.
08/30/2023 23:00